Technological indicators for water-smartness & definition of circular economy indicators for Living Labs
The B-WaterSmart project releases a large number of research results and outcomes. Some of those outcomes are of great interest to their respective target audiences and therefore will be introduced in the 6-monthly B-WaterSmart newsletter. In this issue, we are presenting the “Technological indicators for water-smartness” (Deliverable 2.1) and the “Definition of circular economy indicators for Living Labs” (Deliverable 4.2).
Technological indicators for water-smartness
In this deliverable, you will find a set of technical indicators for assessing water smartness within the B-WaterSmart framework, including an in-depth literature review of previous and ongoing work on defining technical indicators suitable for assessing sustainability and in extension water smartness across different contexts. The literature review was then combined with feedback from each of the six Living Labs (LL) in B-WaterSmart, broadening the focus with input from water utilities, water boards, and municipalities with very different infrastructures (both existing and planned), challenges, and possibilities. Technical indicators need to be seen in the context of those challenges faced by the water sector, in which they will be used both for benchmarking present states and future development scenarios. Coupled with the B-WaterSmart framework strategic objectives and assessment criteria and building on previously conducted work in the Deliverable 6.1 (What is water smartness and how to assess it?) of the B-WaterSmart project, which delivered a definition for water smartness, Deliverable 2.1 proposes a set of metrics and indicators for Water-Smart societies.
Challenges addressed: Water challenges, such as climate change, extreme floods, etc., are addressed in the scope of the B-WaterSmart project objectives and criteria and different social, economic, technical, and governance categories. Another important challenge is discussed in section three, where the current indicator frameworks together with their deficiencies are presented, and finally, two good methodologies to extract the technical indicators are presented and discussed. Finally, a comprehensive set of indicators is presented, which address the different technical aspects of water smartness, such as water safety, risks, and quantity and quality of provided water to different sectors of urban, agriculture, industry, and also the water infrastructures.
Download the deliverable here.
Definition of circular economy indicators for Living Labs
Challenges addressed: The main objective of the B-WaterSmart project is to accelerate the transformation toward water-smart economies and societies in coastal Europe and beyond. This will be achieved by co-creating innovative solutions to face sustainability challenges and secure water access and quality for the generations to come. This deliverable guides the reader through the state of the art of existing circular economy (CE) related indicators and presents a list of CE indicators adapted to a water-smart society in the B-WaterSmart context, embracing the water-energy-resources-waste nexus. These indicators will be calculated and allow to monitor and evaluate the performance of each Living Lab (LL), region, city, etc. according to the defined circular opportunities during the development of the project (and possibly beyond).
Innovation Factor: Sustainability challenges are addressed as well as the lack of a detailed and consensual methodology to define and monitor the evaluation and impact of circular economy. The main contribution is a set of 28 circular economy indicators related to the water sector and the water-energy-resources-waste nexus which will be part of the B-WaterSmart assessment framework, expected to be replicated beyond the scope of this project.
Target Audience: Public administration, public organizations, private organizations, institutions, key industries in the water sector, water utilities, and stakeholders already involved in circular economy-related projects and initiatives.

Priorization of concepts to be included in circular economy indicators

Categories for circular economy indicators in the context of B-WaterSmart