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Technological indicators for water-smartness (D2.1)

This Deliverable is developing a set of technical indicators for assessing water smartness within the B-WaterSmart framework. The deliverable included an in-depth literature review of previous and ongoing work on defining technical indicators suitable for assessing sustainability and in extension water smartness across different contexts. The literature review was then combined with feedback from each of the six Living Labs (LL) in B-WaterSmart broadening the focus with input from water utilities, water boards, and municipalities with very different infrastructures (both existing and planned), challenges, and possibilities. This review with each of the LL ensured alignment with the varying current situation and challenges faced by each of the LLs spread out across Europe. Technical indicators need to be seen in the context of those challenges faced by the water sector, in which they will be used both for benchmarking present states and future development scenarios. Coupled with the B-WaterSmart framework strategic objectives and assessment criteria and building on previously conducted work in the Deliverable 6.1 of the B-WaterSmart project, which delivered a definition for water smartness, deliverable 2.1 proposes a set of metrics and indicators for Water-Smart societies. These indicators will be a building block for the assessment of Water smartness in the B-WaterSmart project and feed into a holistic framework that will be developed in T6.2. Deliverable