Training material for three tools
The Water-energy-phosphorous balance planning module (Tool 25) is a matchmaking environment where sources and demand points are combined. The supply and demand alternative combinations are assessed through a range of user-selected metrics (e.g., volume availability, cost, energy content, carbon footprint, nutrient content) over a targeted period.
The Risk Assessment module (Tool 27) for urban water reuse is a a human and environmental risk framework that assesses supply/demand combinations, based on a range of current risk standards and regulations including: ISO 16075 Guidelines for treated wastewater use for irrigation projects (2020, 2021), ISO 20426:2018 Guidelines for health risk assessment and management for non-potable water reuse, ISO 20761:2018 Guidelines for water reuse safety evaluation, EU Regulation 2020/741 on minimum requirements for water reuse.
Environment for decision support and alternative course selection (Tool 17) is a multi-criteria decision framework. It is designed to allow for direct comparison of the supply/demand matchmaking alternatives produced by the water-energy- phosphorous balance planning module and potentially qualified by the reclaimed water distribution network water quality model and the risk assessment for urban water reuse module. The high-level goal of this tool is to enable users to select the best water source combinations to satisfy specific non-potable uses, and to enable prioritisation of strategic and tactical planning options on the governance of water sources and water uses in an urban setting.