The Nessie Platform – Training material
Nessie platform is an information system, developed within NTUA, able to acquire, process and store, and in general to manage, high-resolution data from IoT agends, such as sensors and smart meters, coupled with analytics (to translate the data into information) and visualisation capabilities to present the information to the end-users.
Nessie platform is composed by 6 independent components: a) the data collector/parser components that collects raw data from a source, such as an FTP server; b) the Data Mapper component that formats the data in way that is supported by the third component, the Database server; c) The GIS-enabled PostgreSQL Database Server that stores the data; d) The Apache Web Server that supports the web character of Nessie; e) the Back-end engine, the heart of Nessie, that supports the processing of stored data and implements a series of embedded analytics; f) And finally, the web interface that delivers information to the end-user.
Find more information about the product here.
Video: An introduction to the Nessie system