Living Lab Bodø events

The Living Lab in Bodo has had several events over the last few weeks. On World Water Day (22. March) a public community event took place, a school trip to a local water treatment facility in Heggmoen. The visit provided students with valuable insights into our water source, treatment processes, and the broader impact of water scarcity beyond Norway. During the trip, students engaged in a structured work package designed to deepen their understanding of where our water comes from and its global significance. This educational material has been shared on Bodø’s water and waste page.

It will be shared on other platforms to reach more teachers and parents, ensuring wider awareness of this valuable resource. In addition to learning, students had hands-on experiences, including using pH strips to test water quality and enjoying a bonfire outdoors afterward.

In April, the B-WaterSmart water-smartness assessment framework was introduced in a webinar and the project was also presented during the Driftsassistanse Vann og Avløp I nordre Nordland Konferanse (water and waste conference). Bodø kommune and Nordkontakt delivered presentations attended by 13 other municipalities from northern Norway. The event started with a general overview of the B-WaterSmart project followed by a presentation about the Environmental Dashboard.

Presentation for Vannforsk