Innovation and Collaboration in Bodø’s Smart Water Meter Case Study

Through the B-WaterSmart project, the Living Lab (LL) Bodø’s smart water meter case displays the outcomes of innovation and collaboration, showcasing state-of-the-art tools and technologies. This initiative represents a leap forward in water management, with LL Bodø leading the smart water meter case study. By measuring both the inflow and outflow of water and sewage in a pilot area, coupled with the installation of smart water meters in private residences, LL Bodø has laid the foundation for testing and implementing advanced leakage detection algorithms with real data.

The smart water meters, designed by Techni, utilize self-powering water turbine technology. The smart water meters deliver real-time insights into water consumption, pressure, and temperature. Notably, smart water meters can detect pressure drops, a telltale sign of leaks in the system. With multiple residences equipped with these meters within the pilot area, pinpointing the location and timing of leaks becomes possible and efficient, facilitating prompt intervention and mitigation efforts.

The significance of this development cannot be overstated, especially in a country like Norway, where leakages account for a staggering average of 32% of the water produced—equivalent to losing one liter for every three liters generated! This challenge is further complicated by Norway’s rugged terrain, where pipes are often buried deep to prevent freezing. The need for effective leakage detection is paramount where today’s methods rely on trained personnel to analyze individual municipal water meter data to find inconsistencies, and then further pinpoint the precise location through field inspections, which is a time-consuming and costly process. Within the pilot area, a leakage simulation took place where various amounts of water were withdrawn from different areas. This provided a strong data set for NTNU to test their newest leakage detection algorithm. The leakage detection algorithms, developed and tested at NTNU, have been crafted to incorporate diverse scenarios and datasets, enhancing their robustness and applicability across varying environmental conditions.

To further harness the invaluable data generated and shared through this initiative, LL Bodø has implemented two distinct dashboards: the Nessie program for homeowners and the Environmental Dashboard for municipal oversight. The Nessie program, developed by ICCS, empowers homeowners by providing real-time monitoring of their water usage. This not only promotes water efficiency but also offers customizable data visualization options, tailored to suit individual preferences. Leveraging the FIWARE platform, Nessie seamlessly handles and presents extensive data streams in an intuitive interface.

On the other hand, the Environmental Dashboard, created by Nordkontakt, offers municipal authorities a comprehensive overview of the water meter network by implementing the municipality’s water meter SCADA data. With assistance from SINTEF, the municipal water zones were calibrated and integrated into the dashboard. This dashboard provides valuable insights into consumption trends, leakage estimates, and individual flow rates, all presented in a user-friendly interface. By lowering the barrier for analyzing leakage detection data, the Environmental Dashboard equips decision-makers with actionable insights, enabling more effective water network management.

The success of the B-WaterSmart project is a testament to the collaborative efforts of various stakeholders, ranging from companies and municipal departments to volunteer homeowners. From the dedicated maintenance crews ensuring the smooth operation of the infrastructure to the innovative engineers pushing the boundaries of technology, and the diligent researchers refining algorithms, each contributor plays a crucial role in driving progress and innovation in water management.

Undoubtedly, the path to innovation is rarely a flawless linear path. However, it is through such collective endeavors that transformative solutions emerge. The B-WaterSmart project exemplifies how collaborative efforts can lead to tangible outcomes, not only in mitigating water loss but also in promoting sustainable water management practices for the benefit of current and future generations.

Written by: Rachelle Collette (Bodø Living Lab owner)

Smart water meter installation in a private homeowner’s residence