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Socioeconomic Metrics for the Water-Smartness Assessment Framework (5.2)
D5.2. offers a preliminary proposal of socioeconomic metrics for assessing the status of the B-WaterSmart Living Labs (LL) towards a ‘water-smart society’. This deliverable is a result of Task 5.2. – Analysis of drivers and barriers for implementation and acceptance of water-smart solutions of Work Package 5 of B-WaterSmart - Society, Governance, Policy. Part of this task involves providing inputs to the ongoing work of WP6 – Water-smartness assessment framework (task 6.2). According to the architecture set for the assessment framework, the metrics herein proposed are aligned with specific assessment criteria, which derive from the B-WaterSmart definition of a water-smart society (see section 2) and from the strategic objectives (SO) defined for the six LL of the project: Alicante, Bodø, East Frisia, Flanders, Lisbon, and Venice. We start by explaining the methodology followed to identify the metrics proposed by WP5 (section 2). Section 3 includes a discussion of the metrics proposed. This is meant to serve as a supporting guide to read and interpret the metrics list, which is compiled in Annex 2. Section 4 sums up the key challenges and recommendations across the dimensions of society, governance, and policy, toward a framework that can best support the implementation of a water-smart society and circular economy (CE), in Europe and beyond.