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Set of policy briefs on regulation and policy instruments (D5.8)

D5.8 Set of Policy Briefs on Regulation and Policy Instruments outlines comprehensive guidelines and strategic recommendations to enhance the governance and regulatory frameworks for water-smart systems across Europe. This deliverable builds on the foundational work completed in Task 5.4, which integrates insights from various stakeholders on regulatory and economic aspects, including financial mechanisms, incentives, and tariffs provided by IWW, as well as legal considerations from KWR. Through an analysis of the socio-economic factors and legal barriers identified in Task 5.2 and leveraging the socio-economic metrics developed in WP6, this document provides a set of at least four policy briefs. These briefs aim to foster a supportive environment for the broad application of water-smart solutions, proposing improved policy frameworks at local, national, and EU levels. The timing and thematic focus of these recommendations are aligned with current EU policy processes related to water and the circular economy, identifying optimal windows for the targeted dissemination of these policy briefs. D5.8 serves as a crucial tool for policy officers, stakeholders, and the public, offering synthetic, accessible 'take away' documents that encapsulate contributions from the involved Work Packages.