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Manual of Data Specifications required for mapping of actors at Living Labs (D4.1)

The main objective of Deliverable 4.1 is to define the context of circular economy in European cities, characterize existing available information from the Living Labs (LLs) related to circular economy and identify a preliminary list of actors and their interactions through circular maps. D4.1 seeks to provide a general manual of data specifications and acquisition, from a technical and a socio-economic view, focusing on Water-Energy-Waste-Materials from each LL, in order to define circular opportunities for LL owners and their stakeholders.
Additional objectives of this D4.1 are 1) to define the circular economy implementation in the context of the challenges for future circular cities and 2) to characterize the taxonomy of LLs, identifying the main stakeholders and their synergies and connections (city council, water utilities, multi sectorial companies, agricultural parks, natural parks, supramunicipal organisms, etc), their roles in the region and their relation through the Water-Energy-Waste-Materials nexus.