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Guidelines of circular economy models for each Living Lab with Annexes A and B (D4.3)

The primary objective of Deliverable 4.3 is to define the B-WaterSmart (BWS) methodology to assess circular models to identify the potential circular opportunities within each Living Lab (LL) and evaluate their circularity based on selected environmental, social, and economic indicators. The circular economy (CE) assessment model developed under D4.3 will provide guidance to LLs in monitoring their circularities and assessing the progress of their strategic agendas. Furthermore, the evaluation of existing circular opportunities within LLs will allow them to refine and align the strategic agendas outlined in WP1.

The main results of the present deliverable D4.3 “Guidelines of circular economy models for each Living Lab” are the identification, monitoring and assessment of the different circular opportunities from all the LLs.

Specifically, the results of this deliverable are:
● A review of existing circular economy assessment methodologies.
● A comprehensive assessment methodology to guide LLs in identifying and monitoring their circularities and its circular business models.
● The evaluation of indicators related to circularity to support LLs in the process of refining and aligning the strategic agendas.