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Final report on social acceptance and behaviors towards water-smart solutions (D5.7)

This report of Work Package 5 – Society, Governance, Policy corresponds to D5.7 – “Final report on social acceptance and behaviours towards water-smart solutions” (M48). It is the final output from Task 5.3 - Assessment of stakeholders’ attitudes towards water-smart solutions, which aimed to analyse perceptions, practices and attitudes throughout the Project. It includes an analysis of results from the CoP meetings and stakeholder interviews regarding issues of acceptance of water-smart solutions by policymakers, stakeholders, end-users, and the public, as well as a citizen survey conducted in Bodø.

The report applied the social acceptance analytical model developed in the project’s Milestone 7 document (July 2021). Among other key concepts, it considers risk perceptions, justice and fairness notions, and trust between stakeholders, as well as in authorities and companies. This report is as complement and follow-up to D5.4, which included a preliminary assessment of acceptance issues in detailed chapters for each B-WaterSmart Living Lab, based on qualitative data collected from the CoP meetings and semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders. D5.7 presents a synthesis of the issues raised and discussed during the project, including the results of a stakeholder survey.