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D2.6 Demonstration of effluent reuse and treatment of off spec raw water with reverse osmosis

This report outlines the work conducted in Task 2.3 (Water-smart solutions for Flanders), focusing on Subtask 2.3.1 “Demonstration of effluent reuse and treatment of off spec raw water with reverse osmosis”. The original Description of Work (DoW) referred to Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR), but as agreed in amendment 1 the work was changed from ASR to the use of off-spec raw water with reverse osmosis with a specific focus on a high water recovery rate. Within WP2.3.1 two pilots were run to assess respectively, the potential of a closed circuit reverse osmosis unit (CCRO) for treatment of off spec raw water and the reuse of effluent from a municipal waste water treatment plant in Woumen. The report provides detailed information on the case study, process units, and operational parameters.