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CoP's architecture and stakeholder mapping for each LL (D1.1)
This deliverable introduces two of WP1’s collaborative tools: Communities of Practice (CoP) and the Innovation Alliance (InAll). Chapters 2 and 3 are dedicated to the CoP and include the roadmap for CoP implementation in all Living Labs (e.g., meeting planning, preparation and facilitation, community planning, roles of the Coordinator and the Moderator, evaluation framework, and cross-fertilization), stakeholder mapping for the six Living Labs and the ethical issues and procedures to be considered in CoP implementation. Chapter 4 presents the framework for implementing the BWS Innovation Alliance, in particular the definition of the concept, the objectives behind it, the Consortium’s experience to date in working with InAll, and the guidelines for implementation. The annexes provide practical information for CoP management, such as engagement tools for online meetings, moderation techniques organized by meeting elements and/or activities, a protocol for CoP Coordinators to follow when conducting the meetings, a template for reporting on CoP meetings, the CoP evaluation form and consent forms to be used in CoP operations.