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B-WaterSmart FIWARE based interoperability framework - D3.1

This document is focused on providing a set of guidelines based on state-of-the-art technologies and creating a framework to allow water-related software tools to increase their interoperability features. It includes a detailed analysis of the set of 22 software tools involved in the 5 Living labs of the B-WaterSmart project, studying potential interoperability improvements and exploring potential interaction among them.

In addition, the concept of Interoperability Maturity levels is introduced, which provides a classification/ranking approach for any tool considering their interoperability features. At the same time, a reference architecture based on FIWARE components is proposed for new development or refactoring processes. Then, to enable the evolution of any tool, the document defines guidelines in a roadmap shape oriented on two main decisions for interoperable software: the architecture, and the data models to use. Finally, some results in the project implementation phase and some potential interoperability results on Living Labs are shown