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B-WaterSmart Dashboard - Early Release (D3.6)
The B-WaterSmart dashboard (early release) is a web application that uses the B-WaterSmart Assessment Framework (as described in our deliverable D6.3) to support the strategic planning process of decision-makers in the water sector with the objective of assessing gains on the road towards a water-smart(-er) society. Within the B-WaterSmart project, the dashboard is going to be used by the Living Labs (e.g., water utilities, and municipalities) as a management support tool in the coming period within the context of the Innovation Alliance (T1.4). The early release of the dashboard together with this accompanying document form the groundwork for these activities. In the current early release of the dashboard, the main functionalities include user authentication and authorization, the creation of new assessments regarding water-smartness, the review of previously made assessments, and the generation of scenarios. Setting up the assessment allows for the selection of strategic objectives, assessment criteria, and selected metrics of the B-WaterSmart Assessment Framework and performing the initial analysis, based on the default reference values. The possibility of target setting and alternatives analysis is currently ongoing work with selected draft mockups being presented in this document. The dashboard is built on a combination of FIWARE technology and relational data management systems for the persistence of dashboard-related data. The functionalities and technologies used will be enriched and expanded in the beta version of the tool with a final delivery date in August 2024 (D3.7).