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  • Upload-Date 1. June 2023

Final version of the water-smartness assessment framework - Excel file (Deliverable 6.3)

D6.3 completes the mission of WP6 of developing the B-WaterSmart assessment framework conceived as a holistic framework to support strategic planning and to assess gains in the process of achieving long-term objectives towards a water-smart(-er) society. It is designed as objective – driven with a tree-model composed of five strategic objective, fifteen assessment criteria and sixty metrics which can be selected by the users (e.g., local, regional strategic decision-makers, but also European and national authorities, or the research community) to develop tailored assessments. Furthermore, an iterative six-step process for continuously improving the transition process to a water - smart society, is proposed as deployment methodology of the framework. The framework has been developed in four steps by the three tasks of WP6: Task 6.1 has covered the groundwork, including an extensive literature review and the gathering of preliminary user-requirements for the intended framework; Task 6.2 has developed the framework up to version 1 (V0 and V1) and Task 6.3 has further refined it, as version 2 (V2), after a period of testing performed by the Living Labs (LL) of the project. This deliverable presents the work fulfilled under Task 6.3. D6.3 is composed by an excel file and this supporting document organized in two parts: part I includes background information on the scope, the updated version of the elements forming the framework V2, a description of the excel file and a guide for implementation; part II informs about the process performed by WP6 to develop the framework.


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