Open day at Living Lab in Germany
Water supply is quite a complex business. What it takes to ensure that drinking water of the best quality comes out of the pipe was on display last Sunday at the Oldenburgisch-Ostfriesischer Wasserverband (OOWV) in Germany, which is one of the partners of B-WaterSmart and the owner of the Living Lab EastFrisia.
Many visitors explored the site, enjoyed live music, shows and listened to the experts during guided tours, while the children had the opportunity to work on a small water construction site and carry out experiments with water.
The B-WaterSmart project and more specifically the research done in the Living Lab EastFrisia also was featured during the day and introduced to an interested public. The audience learned about the development of a sectoral and decentralized water supply strategy, considering unused local water resources such as the reuse of treated process water instead of drinking water in the dairy and food industry, and water demand forecasting by using smart metering in the region.